Final Fantasy VII Patches

The Spanish version of the 1.02 patch is classified as a virus by some antivirus software, most notably AVG. This software is actually safe to use, it is being misclassified as a virus. However, I have placed the patch in a password-protected zip file so that it can reside on my server without being removed during automatic virus scans. You will need to use a password to unzip the file, it is "ff7".

La versi�n en espa�ol del 1,02 parche est� clasificado como un virus de software antivirus por parte de algunos, sobre todo AVG. Este software es realmente seguro de usar, que se est� clasificado como un virus. Sin embargo, me han puesto el parche en un zip protegido con contrase�a de archivo a fin de que pueda residir en mi servidor sin ser eliminado durante autom�tica virus scans. Tendr� que utilizar una contrase�a para descomprimir el archivo, es "ff7".

Unzip the files in the ZIP file to the folder where your game is installed. For the FF8 patches, you also should run EAXUnified.exe if you are getting an error message about a missing EAX.dll file. If you wish to be able to revert back to your previous game version after patching, you should back up the files before you replace them.